Sunday, January 22, 2012

Trials part 3.. What to do with this trial

Now that I have accepted the fact that life will not be easy and there will be trials that come to me at every stage of my life, what am I supposed to do with these trials? This lesson is about how to embrace the fact that all Christians will suffer trials, and help you to life so that your life will bring glory to God no matter what is going on!
Step 1:  Acknowledge that suffering will come. (1 Peter 4:1-7). Suffering is a part of the every day Christian lifestyle. You will face trials no matter what. Focus on pulling your joy from God, and reflect His glory to those around you! I teach a 5 year old Sunday school class and I think these kids understand the concept of reflection a lot better than I do. One of the first lessons I’ve ever taught was this concept of reflection. I took a paper heart, covered it with tinfoil and asked them what they saw. The answers varied from nothing it’s not smooth enough to see anything, or I see everything, but the one answer I like the best was… “I SEE ME”. God should be able to look at our hearts and lifestyles and should be able to say “I see me!” But he can’t. Sin entered the world a long time ago and ruined the perfect relationship that we had with God and covered our shiny hearts with darkness. To emphasize this to my group of 5 year olds I took out paint and started painting over the tinfoil. They went into momentary panic, “what are you doing, you’re ruining it, and stop”. But it gave me the chance to explain that when sin entered the world so long ago it covered up everyone’s heart and no one was able to reflect back the glory of God. The kids were devastated. But the next lesson was on how Jesus came into the world to cover up our sinful hearts with grace so that by accepting Jesus to come into our lives our hearts would once again become reflective of God’s glory. At the start of each Sunday school class the kids give me a review of what happened the week before, and it always goes the same way. Noah had a dark heart full of sin. But he trusted in God and his dark heart was covered up by Jesus to reflect God’s glory. Abraham had a dark heart full of sin. But he trusted in God and his dark heart was covered up by Jesus to reflect God’s glory. (Okay I’ll be truthful; those are the only two that we have covered so far.) You can still look through the entire bible and see examples of people that, no matter their circumstances, whether good times or times of trial they chose either to reflect God’s glory or fail miserably. The choice is yours. My mom always used to tell me growing up to change my attitude to gratitude. We are all going to face trials. How you deal with it is up to you!
The apostle Paul told Timothy, “All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12)
The number one tool in God’s chest for chiseling our character is suffering, so we can brace ourselves. God’s design is to make you a better person. 
Guard your behavior (1 peter 4:1-6). Make your mindset like Christ’s. Arm yourselves like a warrior, this will make you a better person and better equipped to handle these trials.
Remember: 1. Trials remind us that life is not going to go on forever. Life is short! Live it for the will of God!
  1. Sin over promises and under delivers every time. Sin looks so tempting but really it’s not worth it! Yet over and over I give into that temptation. James tells us that sin begins when we give into the temptations and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. Spiritual and sometimes physical. 
Glorify your God (1 Peter 4:11b-19) my existence should be a SHOUT about God’s existence, in comparison to the muted voice of creation. People should be able to tell right away that God is in you! We should be walking billboards of the gospel!!!
Rejoice when God’s glory is revealed in your suffering even as it was revealed in Christ’s suffering (1 peter 4:13) Rejoice, manifest the reality of the presence of God in you life. The whole earth will one day be filled with His glory! Don’t be ashamed! Self examine and entrust yourself to God. God is faithful and in control. Don’t stop believing that! 
Grace your relationships (1Peter 4:8). Be self-controlled sober minded. Above all, Love earnestly, love covers a multitude of sins. Use your gifts to serve one another especially when facing a trial yourself, or when you see others facing trials. In trials you will never go wrong sharing scripture with people. Whatever you do, do it in the power of God. However, If you want to help someone in trials, you better be sure you are right with God first! Grace doesn’t just save you. It keeps you. It is the reason the sun rises, it is the reason the sun sets, and it is the reason everything happens. It is all because of GRACE!!!!        

The follow pictures are just some of the sights in Antigua, Guatemala!

1 comment:

  1. Jenn it is so exciting to see how God is using you already! Love you!
